


Build a free image hosting service using Cloudflare

1. Preparation#

1. Register Cloudflare
2. Register Github (optional)
3. Purchase a domain name (optional)

2. Setup#

Login to cloudflare -> Click on page in the left sidebar -> Click on Create project


1. If you don't have github, download Telegraph-Image and click on Upload directly, then follow the instructions to deploy.

2. If you have github, fork the project Telegraph-Image, then click on Connect to Git, click on Add account and login to your Github account to agree to the binding. Then select a repository and choose Telegraph-Image, finally click on Start setup.

3. Domain Binding#

Go back to the user homepage -> page -> Telegraph-Image -> Custom domain -> Set custom domain


4. Backend Management#

Workers -> KV -> Create namespace -> Add


page -> Telegraph-Image -> Settings -> Functions -> KV namespace binding -> Edit binding -> Variable name img_url -> Select KV namespace -> Save


page -> Telegraph-Image -> Settings -> Environment variables -> Create -> Edit variable -> Account BASIC_USER -> Password BASIC_PASS -> Save


5. Others#

For other features, please refer to Telegraph-Image for tutorials.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.