


Method for consuming historical bullet comments of videos removed from Bilibili

1. Cause#

Due to the fact that most of the old episodes on Bilibili have been taken down, sometimes I want to review them but can't stand watching them without danmaku. After searching in China, I found that many Baidu resources have expired and there is no systematic search solution. Recently, I have explored and found many better solutions, and I have also seen many people in need of such solutions. So I wrote this to share with everyone.

2. Download Methods#

Bilibili Database Download#

Bilibili Database

Disadvantages: Complicated operation, need to search for cid and then download and convert.

Source: All!

OneDrive Cloud Download#

Bullet Screen Download Link

Disadvantages: Few resources, only a few anime.

Source: Uploaded by a master on NGA.

Danmu Box Search and Download#

Danmu Box

Disadvantages: Although it has many resources, it can only be accessed in China with the help of magic.

Source: Danmu Saving Plan

If you are interested, you can try reverse proxy or build your own.



Disadvantages: Need to download the app, but using PotPlayer also requires downloading, but I don't like downloading, so it is a disadvantage.

3. Usage#


Convert the downloaded XML file to ASS file using conversion link.

Parameter Options -> Subtitles -> Other -> Check Output this subtitle language when there are two or more subtitle languages

Disadvantages: Need to download the video first.

Tampermonkey Script#

Script Link

A script written by a master that supports importing danmaku from Sakura Anime and some other websites, and can be used to watch online with the downloaded danmaku. If you are not familiar with Tampermonkey, you can search for it yourself. If it doesn't work, you can use the PotPlayer solution.

Disadvantages: Supports very few websites, mostly anime websites, lacks resources such as Japanese dramas.

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